Wednesday, January 13, 2010

The Waddling Deleter

Ever have the worst possible tech teacher?, Yes you say?, Well imagine that teacher multiply him by 100 and add 60 year old chubby guy who failed to go anywhere in life, and you have my tech teacher.
For legal reasons and what not, we will call him "The Waddling Deleter". This is the type of "know it all" who in fact knows nothing and is insecure and jealous of anyone who actually might make something of themselves unlike himself. So you know what he does to prevent this...Sabatoge. Thats right he sees a student acceding and getting ahead and think " They might go somewheres in life". He then watches for several moments, compliments you and after several more moments gos on his computer and logs you off, causing you to loose all unsaved work. OH and don't bother confronting him about it because he'll say he didn't do it even though i seen him do it to several other people, then he'll suggest you start over from scratch and tell you it's a good thing you lost all of your nearly completed work. Little did this pudgy little man know , i refuse to do anymore work until my previous work has been restored or i get credit for it and that several people have complained to a teacher who in tern is going to conferrance with the vice-principle of doom. I refuse to take this from a pudgy little failure who waddles around scared of his own shadow.

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