Monday, January 18, 2010

Fat Kids

Ever know a super fat kid...Me too, and you know who i blame, there parents and the economy of good and evil. These kids who get large when there young because of there parents, later componsate by eating, and since these kids have no athletic abilitys or do not attempt to do anything they remain fat. Then all of a sudden one day they get too fat and have a massive heart attack resulting in them re-thinking there life and trying to get thin...Many will try, few will suceed.
For instance...oprah, she was thin then fat then thin and now shes back to fat and trying to be thin again, Publicity stunt? I think so, jokes on her shes gonna kill herself, lipos not good for a person. Poor oprah. Lets all take a minute of silence today to conmemorate oprahs early death.


  1. That whole article is true. You could blame it on the parents but really the kids need to do something about it to. Oh and fix those typos
