Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Tech Class

Boring, Shallow, padantic, these are few of the words that can be used to describe the inadvertant and incoherant prison we call tech class. As you may have previously read about my tech teacher, hes not the best in the world. So basically in tech class i do absolutly nothing. Infact im doing my blog in this class right now!, better then doing nothing i suppose.
Tech class is by far the most usless and boring class i have ever had, Fortuantly i only have this class for four more days, The end is near! It shall be a time worth of celebration. But until then i guess i will just have to endure the pathetic teacher, dull class, and imensly annoying students.
Man does this grind my gears!

1 comment:

  1. Man Tech class is horrible. Id Rather snort cocain off a hookers ass
