Monday, March 29, 2010


I would say dont get me started on telemarketers but imn already pissed, these idiots call and there like " youve won a free trip" and this effing fog horn blows in my ear pratically making me deaf! Or theres another one that call and tells a joke and laughs annoyingly for what seems like an eternity, my advice to you is to hang up on these rat bastards and kill the moronic bafoons who try to succed with these scams!!

Random surveys

One of the things that grinds my gears so much is those god damned surveys that randomly appear and you are expected to actually fill the damned things out. Where the hell do these things come from. Many questions asked are not even important, where do you live? Well Jesus where did you send the survey to dumb asses. Who makes these redundant surveys a bunch of chimpanzees thrown into a 5*5 cubical with a single out dated computer and a printer with no coloured ink. I have yet to fcind an interesting survey that may be important to fill out. If i ever get these damned things again im hgoiung to burn them!

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Question response 5

I can see blogger helping many people and students in several different ways. If there was a factual blog on important information someone needed that would help students, a blog on how to lower your car insurance may help adults. Once again depending on the topic the blog may or may not be helpful to students and people.

Question response four

Looking at the quote "If you are not making things better, then you are making things worse". I think that blogger makes things better and at the same time worse depending on the blog topic, for example if there was a blog that was made specifically to offence people of the Jewish religion that would make blogger worse. If there were a blog based on factual information that people needed then that would be helping. Based on this i can conclude that blogger is in fact making things better and worse depending on the topic of the blog.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Question three response.

If i had time and endless amounts of money to make my blog better i would buy google which means i would also own youtube. After doing this i would spam advertisments for my blog everywhere possible to gain notification and awarness of my blog. After this i would go bankrupt and repo men would reposess all of my possesions but it would be okay because i would have a super cool blog to show for my efforts.

Question response two

Trust me when i say there a endless concerns people may have with this blog, my criticisms on other people, races and such other things. If anyone had a problem with my blog or any specific post i wouldn't change it i would simply apologize for any offences that were made towards that particular person. However id many people were offended by a single post i would most defiantly change the content of the post that has offended them. these are some of the potential problems with my blog and a few posts that may have potential problems.

Question response one:

For me it is not very hard to think of a topic that angers me on a daily basis as there is so many options. Writing to a world wide audience has been rather interesting so far, many people have visited this blog in the previous three months.
This entry is by far the hardest i have written because it has to be atleast around one hundred words, having a fixed topic is extremely more difficult then choosing a topic of your chose, this being one of the reasons i have put the question response off until now. Maintaining this blog has been a thrilling and enjoyable experience.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Annoying people

One of the things that grinds my gears the most is annoying people.
Thousands upon thousands of annoying people use the internet every minute. To no avaail they never seize to piss me off on a daily basis. There frequently asked questions such as: how do i do this, how does this work?, why is this not working? and such other questions that they expect me to know the awnsers too. Most are not even real questions, in other words everyone knows the answer to these questions. Except these complete idiots with no intellectual abilitys what so ever. Once again they grind my gears to a point were they will no longer spin.