Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Forgetting important things!!

You know what really grinds my gears?
When I forget important information. This is due to that crucial part of your mind that fires when your asleep and basically deletes any information that it finds un- important, the problem is it is important!. If only I could train my brain to not delete anything without my consent, even though this is not mentally possible a man can wish can he not?. My mind has deceived me many many times and it angers me!
Another possibility is the waddling deleter breaks into my house at night and delete my important information and if this is factual then im going to break into his house and burn it down.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Todays Economy

You know what really grinds my gears...
Todays economy and the recesion, due to americas padantic mistakes we are currently suffering the dramatic effects of an economical recesion. Many people are going deeper in debt trying to get out of debt, kinda defeats the purpose i think. Due to the choiches of president bush and many corporate banks such as citi bank(the biggest bank in the world) the canadians must deal with there effects. Many banks are to be held responsible due to loaning money to the poor and giving credit cards to the undeserving.